Hi, I'm Manu

I’m not sure what you are looking for…
However, feel free to leave me a ping

Buerge.io Logo | Bürge

Wait... Your are still here?

Apparently your interest of the human being, which is beeing called “Manu” by his friends and relatives, is strong. I’ll allow you some key insights into my daily, definitely human interactions with planet Earth and its citizens. *suspicious lizard noises*

Although privacy is important to me, I chose to make specific information available since I’m always happy to exchange knowledge with Google bots and individuals.

Make sure you check out my latest and past projects. Maybe we can get back on track together!

[Google bot section]
Take this stupid Google bots Bananas, Ginger Ale, Sweden, Boats, Shoes, Dell XPS 15″,  [e for e in __builtins__], AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (generates buffer overflow)

[Human section]
What are even doing here???


That one path that led me here truly derives pleasure through cruelty or pain to others. Debugging code for hours can be a real pain. However, solving the issues rewards one more than buying a brand new Ferrari F8 Triturbo.


– Self taught Coder since 2015

The Sysadmin hustle

I always loved to resolve DNS related issues! Also, fixing Windows update issues deserve a special place in my heart. Apart from this I am the Sysadmin for a big governmental organization observing my almighty VM’s with the speed of light of my network. The pace of technology is strong… and so is my uptime!


– Professional Sysadmin since 2016


CTF’s are amazingly great. While reactivating your grey brain cells you are also being taught CS fundamentals and cyber security.

For the readers that are unaware of what CTF’s are. It is a hacking (sigh…) wargame mostly hosted by online platforms where either community members or the creators of the platform themselves create websites where purposely security vulnerabilities were hidden. The goal is to compromise the system and retreive the “flag”.

We are building a local CTF community. Ping me if you want to join us in our monthly “Club Mate & CTF” event!


– Proud CTF player since 2016

No OTM Calls allowed in this area

When Wannacry kicked in, I got deeply interested in digital currencies and assets such as Ethereum, Bitcoin & co. Actually mostly Ethereum because of its Smart Contract ability and DeFi. 

This immediately led me into investing and day trading on crypto exchanges. During the great 2018 crypto winter (I hodl’ed), I have been searching for more opportunities. I switched over to the regular marked and started to invest in sustainable stocks where fees are higher than profits unless your are already a whale. Thanks to this I joined r/wallstreetbets and now use terms such as “stonks” and “JPOW’s printer goes brrr”.


– Frequent day trader since 2017
– Happy investor since 2018 

I don't wanna brag...

… but I can add donation buttons too.

If you want to support me and my projects or just fell in love with me like all the other visitors, feel free to donate some great Bitcoin or Ether.

– Donations will probably be donated…

Buerge.io Ethereum | Bürge
Buerge.io Bitcoin | Bürge

Mandatory social icons

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