You are one of the persistent ones, hmm? | Bürge

Endolum is a fully trustless cryptocurrency payment processor for retailers and service providers. It's ability to use every crypto wallet available makes it unique and powerful. The project consists out of a module which replaces the regular check-out system. This particular module provides the customer the option to chose their favourite cryptocurrency and QR codes for payment processing.
For more information check out (available soon)

60% Server | Bürge


The struggle as a sysadmin is truly real if you own over 100 servers and applications that are required to be available 24/7. If there is downtime users should be automatically notified within seconds. Each phone call and email you need to answer with "yes we know something is not working" you are being held away from solving the issue. This was a huge problem for me which I wanted to tackle.

65% CTF | Bürge

Building a CTF community

As mentioned CTF's recently allocated too much space in my calendar *pwn intended* . So I thought It's better together. My friend and I had a few sessions that made so much more fun than stripping off those l33t h@cks on your own in a dark room with a hoodie on. We both learned so much from each other. So why not add a few hoodies? We are building a CTF community from complete beginners to absolute pros so we are able to exchange knowledge across all layers.

30% Social-Network | Bürge

The Social Network

I recently saw the social dilemma on Netflix while coding and bashing on my laptop. Usually movies are just the background noises that I like to have while working in the evening. But this time it was more than a background noise fading away into a never ending void. It really caught my attention. It inspired me! I really don't want to sound cringy but I have the feeling that I have a small chance to actually change something in this world.

It is the need for privacy and security in the big and dangerous internet that drives me. People don't deserve to be exploited by algorithms which are completely out of control by their creators.

This is where I decided to create a social network without ads and where educated freedom of speech is possible. Okay the part with freedom of speech kinda went down the toilet in 2020. But at least I am trying to create a community without any hate speech and considered words.
Wish me luck!

Pandaas | Bürge

Pandaas Bot

This project is a V2 of the past P&DaaS project. It is a more serious element in my portfolio that, as at the time of writing this, has already been published by a chosen group of community admins. It is all about signaling crypto trading strategies in an high efficient environment at a greater scale in an fully automated manner.

Made with ♥ by Manuel Bürge from