Am I tracking you?

Yes I do

What am I tracking?

Nothing much… IP address, approximate location, user agent and stuff WP-Statistics allows me to track

What do I use for?

Absolutely nothing! I’m just a naturally curious person with a deep love for statistics. Maybe I need to mention that my hoster also uses this data as well to analyze possible security threats. That’s about it.

Let me tell you...

Why did you even bother visiting this page? You probably came here through Google. They are even worse than me. If you feel like this is the biggest privacy infringement ever feel free to tell me. I respect your privacy and wouldn’t hesitate a second to delete all statistics I have gathered. And if you just clicked the link out of curiosity let me take you back to the main page because this great page ends here.
Made with ♥ by Manuel Bürge from buerge.io